
Hall of Awesome

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Last year, I decorated the house with an Alien theme. This year I decided to go with another fear theme: paranoia. I covered the house in eyes. Big ones made of paper mache and little ones made out of white balloons. I'm hoping that the little ones don't pop before Halloween is over. It seems, whatever I throw up for decorations, the weather always kicks in with something that's going to try to ruin it. Last year it was lots of rain, this year it's wind which is trying it's best to ruin the streamer  dripping blood effect on the garage. I guess that's the price of art installations, they're always a product of their environment. You can either work with the environment or pay the price for ignorin it.

The eye in the front yard has a hidden wire holding it up, creating a floating eye effect.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

More stuff for sale!

I've added yet another store to my empire. Besides selling my iHate Art shirts at Cafe Press, this time on Etsy where I will try to sell any 3 dimensional art I create. First thing out of the gate will be my hand-painted plastic honey jars. I'm going to sell them for $20 and see how that goes. Here's the link: Etsy


Sunday, May 22, 2011

iMac Sphere

I love my Apple mac computers. If you are an artist I have no idea why you would have a PC. A PC is for spread sheets and cash registers.
My first computer cost about $400 and had 4k of memory. That's right 4k. My next one was a whopping 64 K, Next 128 megs, 4 gigs and now 300 gigs. I'm sure the next generation will be in teraflops and my kid's computer will deal in Petabytes and then Exabytes.
My first computer also had a keyboard and processor in the same unit and a roller-ball mouse. Now we have wireless keyboards and mice. In the future we will have a wireless monitor and eventually a keyboard less computer. I also predict everything in our house, from TV to phone to heating control will all be controlled by a small unit.

I did a quick design of the next generation of iMacs, I call it the iMac Sphere. remember, you saw it here first:

The new iMac Sphere. Wireless, keyboard-less personal computer.
128 Exabytes of memory
iTunes 12 with autoloader that chooses and pays songs that it knows you'll like.
air motion hand gesture controls
3D without glasses

That's All

Sunday, April 10, 2011

New Wall Art

I've completed two new art pieces.

The first. I'm calling Pow! Boom! Zap! Painted water guns on canvas. It's a representation of 1950's comics and old time science fiction serials. I think I'm going to sell it on some Etsy shop or eBay thing. Whichever brings in more dough.

The second painting is called Internal Eternal Flame; Acrylic, wood on canvas. It's basically a representation of never giving up and that spirit inside of you that doesn't go out, in spite of life's "weather conditions." It came out like an Olympic torch so I don't know if anyone will see beyond that. It's going to hang in the bedroom as part of a redecoration scheme, unless of course I can sell it too. I'm kind of fond of it so I'm not going to let it go cheap.

That's all, A