
Hall of Awesome

Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Slow Push

Trying to get another "Big Push" going. It's tough following up on a successful year and trying to out do it. I missed the dead line for the film festival  (unless I want to pay to get in) so that may have to wait until next year.

The Etsy site now has almost all of the things I want to upload on it. My goal is 50 items and I'm almost at 40. Getting the most traffic are the kid aprons and the Mysterious Box of Mystery. People also seem to like the "Anne" series: Zombie Anne, Dracuanne and Ali Anne. I thought about making one that's psychotic called Stabarella.:

I  put an art piece in the Richmond Art Center. It's a palm leaf that I smoothed, polished and put some metal strings on it called "Harp". It will be hanging until August: Here is a like to their web site: Richmond Art Center

I'm trying to finish my movie by the end of the year but it's tough putting in the time to do the animation. Hopefully, with summer, I'll have a little more free time as kids go to camp and things. This is the first thing I've done on it in months:

That's All