
Hall of Awesome

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Gundam Style

It's that time of year again where I design an eye-catching Halloween decoration. This year, it was between a robot battle, witches or zombies. Since everyone is doing zombies, I decided to go with robots. Not just any robots but I want to put a really large Japanese anime style robot on the lawn because I figure, no one would do that one. I could do one that was old school like those clunky monster kind: but it would just take too many curves and it would have to be metallic which would take lots of toxic spray paint.  I want this thing to be as recyclable as possible so that I can get rid of it after Halloween without worrying that a peace of art I made is now killing baby seals or something.

 Me,  serving as Mr. Scale for stage one.

I like this style as the ones used in the anime,  Total Eclipse

So, going with the more squared off modern version, I want to make something that looks deadly and could actually fly if need be. Perhaps not as bonky as a Gundam style robot: Maybe a Macross style or  a Gundam/Macross hybrid. So far, I've created the armature. It was surprisingly cheap to build (around $12). As for the skin, I'm going with pure cardboard boxes cut up and rearranged. I usually work with paper mache so this is a new medium for me and one that hopefully, will be easier to work with. I decided to make the robot not too tall because if it were too high, it would touch our telephone lines in from of the house, and I'm afraid of it falling over during a rain storm. I want to make sure that it will survive high winds because at this time of year, the wind and rain start up and I remember the hell it caused my other two lawn sculptures. As you can see by my pics, it's around 10 feet tall, Big enough to be menacing. When I'm done, if I have time, I'm also going to make some bad-guy spider bots attacking the house. But, I'm not going to promise you anything.

That's all for now, A