
Hall of Awesome

Sunday, September 30, 2012


My film got accepted into the  Oakland Underground Film Festival! I was put on the shorts program on October the 30th. It was a Blast! I got to see some really talented local filmmakers and heard some inspiring words of encouragement. I'm very Jazzed to start some new projects and finish the ones I've started.

  • My list of things to do:
  • Make more hats, aprons and dolls for the Richmond Art Center Holiday Arts fair.
  • Finish my Sci-Fi novel by 2013 (I'm on page 245) and get it published
  • Get back to work on my FARM movie
  • Start to work of the Halloween decorations for my yard:
  • Finish my 2D animated short:  Catholics on the Moon:
Thanks to my Success in getting my film in the Festival, I feel I'll be able to complete any of these  task as part of THE BIG PUSH!

TAFN (That's all For Now)