
Hall of Awesome

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Projects and Progress

Thank you for visiting the Rabbit Studios blog. This page is to inform you of any art related projects that I'm working on.

First up, I'm still trying to beat the Christmas deadline for the science fiction, animated movie: FARM
Things got slowed down because of weddings, traveling and the flu (life happens). But I think I may be able to do it by January.

I'm also working more in traditional (2-D) animation and have created a project called 1 day animation, where the goal is to do an entire animation, from start to finish in only one day.
Here is the first cartoon called "Ouch Schmouch".

A new episode of Catholics on the Moon, the story of Billy Jean (Bill) and Samantha (Sam), two school girls who have a misguided stalwart faith in Catholicism, is also in the works, which will have something to do with the Devil.

Another 2-D project, to be titled "Sucker!" Or "Evil to-do List" is also in the works and involves an evil do-ers quest to complete a list of bad things.

In the "real art" world, I'm trying to finish yet another painting involving eucalyptus bark and acrylic paint. All I have to do is finish the background. I'm also experimenting with balsa wood and making a tiny house. I don't know what I'm going to do with it, but I guess this is all part of the fine art process.

Eventually, I want to make some fine art to go up on E-Bay, but I don't like the prices that things are going for now-days, unlike the late 90's . It's definitely a buyers market and I may wait a while until people want to spend money on art.

I've opened a store on Cafe Press to sell some junk that I create. I'm thinking of humorous T-shirts as well as some images from FARM to use as advertisements. As of this writing, you can get the official: iHate Art shirts, based on my blog: iHate Art

TFN (That's all For Now)